Winning ‘Best Photographer in Berkshire’ 2018



Family and newborn photographer, mum of three, wife of one and tea obsessed eneagram eight.



The fact that I have only just got around to writing a blog post on winning Best Photographer in Berkshire 2018 is testament to what an amazing platform the Muddy stiletto’s have been for me personally and professionally over this past 12 months.

2018 was manic. And a huge year of growth. I was nominated for the award by my own clients and I was incredibly nervous about being in the mix of a competition that counted on public votes alone.

You see awards & certificates are not usually my cup of tea, what matters most to me is my clients opinions. But Muddy stiletto’s is special. They celebrate and support the most unique, interesting, brilliant local businesses trying really hard to be something a little different and they give the general public an authentic way of showing their appreciation through their awards.

Once I had heard about my nomination I soon realised that Muddy stilettos didn’t have your average voting system. They have really worked out the best way to gather genuine and considered votes so no spam bots, double votes or faceless voters, and during the awards in 2018 ten’s and thousands of votes were cast.

I didn’t have the biggest social media following in Berkshire and neither did I shoot weddings so I honestly didn’t think I stood a chance against strong competition. What I did have is a strong base of appreciative and  engaged clients and supporters who clearly wanted to raise me up and publicly pat me on the back.

When I found out I was in the final I had to make peace with myself about asking for support. I didn’t want to sound like I was begging for votes and I wanted people to feel compelled to vote as they wanted too support my business and what and then she clicked photography is all about – creating soulful and stylish photographs that matter.

So I just decided to do me. Speak honestly via my social media channels and email list and hope that the active relationships I had built with my existing client base and supporters would suffice.  I decided to channel one of my favourite quotes:

“It’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished.
It’s about who you’ve lifted up.
Who you’ve made better.
It’s about what you’ve given back”

This seemed to resonate with my clients too. They voted, I’ll never know how many of them did, but I am thankful for ever single one and was overwhelmed with the positive messages of support I had.  I won the award of Best Photographer in Berkshire and I celebrated in true ‘and then she clicked’ style, jumping on my bed with my children – in a tutu of course. When I look back on this video I cringe a little but I can also remember how incredibly excited, shocked and proud I was about this key moment in my career and life in general.

Winning the 2018 Muddy Stiletto Best Photographer award was the spark that set my year alight. Not only did it give me the kudos of being associated with such an awesome company, tangible approval from my clients and a genuinely cool feather in my cap. It also lit a fire of confidence in me that I’d lacked for so long.

I’m looking forward to seeing what awesomeness the 2019 Muddy Stiletto awards bring for my extended network of friends and acquaintances across the country who are in the running for an award . I’ve made a business decision this year not to take part and to instead give another small business the platform to fly with. I hope that whoever the winner is this year gets the boost personally and professionally that I did.


Voting across the counties can be made here so do something nice whilst your scrolling the net today and vote for your favourite local businesses and if you’re not already familiar with the Muddy Stilletto brand you need to get on their mailing list as they are THE BEST place to check out for cool things happening in your local area

Before I tie this post up, I want to give a big heap of support to my fellow friends reaching the finals this year. I’m so pleased to see the lifestyle and documentary photographers in my industry being recognised finally. So please give a ‘big up’ to my fellow ‘in home’ photographers and show them some love.

Chui King Li  is up up Best Photographer in Gloucestershire (show your support here)

Bex Mani is up for Best Photographer in Sussex (show your support here)

Thursdays Child is up for Best Photographer Hants an IOW (show your support here)

(P.s if I’ve missed you off and you want me to add a link give me a shout!)





16 May 2019

Hi, I'm Lisa

Family & Newborn photographer, mum of 3, wife of  1, tea obsessed, eneagram 8

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