Motherhood Photographs that will help you remember how it feels right now

I've been there too. That growing belly, the anticipation and need to document your body designing it's masterpiece.
The ache of pride you feel as you watch your 1,5 and 13 year old simply laughing or twiddling their hair and that moment when your 7 month old sits up for the first time.

How did they get so big already. 
Can't it all just slow down for a second...

 fill the pages of your life story with

Motherhood &

 It can.

 over and over again.

Indoor motherhood photoshoots are held on regular but specific dates throughout the month at my gorgeous light filled lounge studio , based at my home in Bracknell, Berkshire.

They are generally suited to mamas with older babies and toddlers, pre-schoolers or maternity sessions.  Think warm 70's tones, mid-century mixed with a bit of boho and you'll get the vibe. 

Find out if they'd suit you

Lounge sessions       
       for you if:

YOu want to celebrate your little ones as they grow so quickly!

They're probably        for you if...

Your children are very energetic 

YOU want a weekend date 

YOU need more than 3 people/pets involved 

you want the certainty that indoor photo sessions provide

You love the Interior vibes of the lounge studio and are NOT content ON THE SPACE and LIGHT you have a home

want something a little more bespoke?

Discover Chapter session 

These sessions can be indoors  at your home or outdoors and are for 1 to 3 people max.

They're great for couple maternity photoshoots, solo maternity sessions,  mother with up to 2 children and milestone sessions such as first birthday photoshoots.


Sessions last for 1-2 hours, start from £325 and include 5 digital images of your choice to download from your gallery.

Simply select your date from the easy online calander, then we can work together on styling, location and the creative - all bespoke to you.

These also make great new mum gifts, mothers day, Christmas or birthday gifts!

Find out if they'd suit you



Dedicate some time to just you with your babies - big or small!


Get out from behind the camera and be present in your children's life story.


Create some core memories that look as good as they feel.


Provide a lasting legacy for them to hold dear to them forever.

I'm the photographer for you.

real Life reviews

"I love them!!! I dont hate myself in any of them"

Oscar keeps asking "where's Lisa in the pictures?" Your'e officially part of the family.

- Carmelle Textor


A Chapter session lite*      for you if:

you'd love to explore different scenes and relax into a session.

YOu don't want a time pressure or people before and after you.

It's probably        for you if...

YOU need more parents/grandparents/pets involved in the session

you'd simply like more. More time, more variety and more individual portraits of the children, siblings, or bump.

YOU want some photos indoors and outside During the same session

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